The Lacoste Junior Tennis Academy is an annual scholarship training and educational program for dedicated New York City juniors who wish to compete in local and national tournaments. The Academy aims to develop character, leadership skills and self-confidence through the discipline of advanced tournament-training.
When: Saturday, May 14 3pm – 6pm (rain or shine) Check-in will take place from 2-3PM
Where: USTA/ Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, Flushing Meadows Park, Queens
Requirements: NYC Residents 8-17 years old (Tennis shoes and racquet), Application below (including waiver and COVID protocol agreement)
Select players from Round 1 will be invited to the second and final tryout held the following day, Sunday, May 15.
Following the tryouts, fifty players are selected to participate in the summer training program (July-August). Selection is based upon ratings in several categories including playing ability (on-court tryout above), personal interview/essay and family income. In the fall, a select group of players will merit continued sponsorship from October to April based on sportsmanship, attendance, proven financial need and on-court performance.
If you have any questions or need more information please email