1. Come up with your vision - City Parks Foundation 1. Come up with your vision"/>

<h2 style="font-family: refrigerator-deluxe,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;">1. Come up with your vision</h2>

What kinds of activities do you want to regularly take on with your group (cleaning, weeding, raking, planting, painting, etc.)? What days of the week and times of day work best for you and others in the community? (Many groups choose weekday or weekend mornings.) How many people do you want to engage and what are the best methods for doing it? (This will determine how many tools you need as well.) What other types of support might you need from volunteers – project greeting, membership recruiting, promotions, administrative help? Discuss your ideas with a Partnerships for Parks (PfP) staff member and keep them in the loop with how your group evolves over time so we can provide support.

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