Saturday, December 1, 2018
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
100 Gold St, 3rd Floor (New Location)
100 Gold Street, New York, NY 10038
For many young people in NYC, parks are an important setting for the recreation and relaxation that shapes their adolescence. Too often, youth are not involved in the work that goes on behind-the-scenes to beautify and program their parks. How can park groups effectively engage young people in this work, and enable them to grow as leaders? Come to this workshop to explore opportunities to cultivate future leaders for your park and community.
Topics include:
Featured speakers include:
Chris Johnson is the managing director of the Hamilton Grange Neighborhood Association, an all-volunteer 501c(3) community group located in West Harlem focusing on the stewardship of 165 sidewalk tree beds and green spaces in the community. The association strives to create intergenerational experiences and facilitate skill-set transfer by intentionally involving young people (300 plus this year!) and seniors in stewardship activities. Chris has a background in community engagement and youth programming, and has spent several seasons coaching for Odyssey of the Mind, an international creative problem-solving program for students.
As the associate director of youth development at City Parks Foundation, Joel Lock has a passion for educating others on the best practices of working with young people. He is currently on the advisory board of the Career Internship Network, a program that promotes internship experiences for high school students in NYC. Joel is also a member of the events committee of the College Access Consortium of New York that works to improve access to college for underrepresented youth. Joel studied psychology at Virginia Tech and has been working in youth development ever since, including conducting trainings for youth service professionals across NYC.
Dariella Rodriguez is a Bronx native and is the director of community organizing and outreach at Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice (YMPJ). YMPJ strives to rebuild neighborhoods in the South Bronx by training community members in political education, spiritual formation, youth development, and community organizing. Dariella runs the Youth program which connects young people to a variety of campaigns including the reclamation of Concrete Plant Park and programming for the Bronx River Foodway. Dariella has a passion for political education, urban agriculture, food justice, and seeing young leaders in action.
For more information or questions, please email