Registration: Info Session for NYC Green Fund Grassroots - City Parks Foundation

Registration: Info Session for NYC Green Fund Grassroots

Info Session Webinar: 
NYC Green Fund Grassroots 

Date: Monday, February 24, 2025

Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm

Location: Online Webinar (via Zoom)

Step 1: Registrant Information

If your park does not show up, please submit as you typed it.

A note about our webinars: This webinar will be recorded and may be shared publicly through the City Parks Foundation website and/or YouTube. You can turn off your video during the webinar to avoid the chance of being recorded. This video may include verbal references to submitted chat comments or questions and moderators may use your name if referencing your comment or question during the session. 

By registering for this webinar, you agree to the following: I hereby grant permission to NYC Parks and City Parks Foundation to use, or authorize others to use, any photograph, motion picture, image, recording, of me (“Likeness”) or any other record of my participation this program in whole or in part, in perpetuity, in all media and means, now known or hereafter developed or discovered, for any promotional, marketing, or educational purposes or any other legitimate purpose whatsoever. I furthermore acknowledge that the City and/or City Parks Foundation are not responsible for the policies and/or actions of  Zoom Video Communications, Inc., LogMeIn, Inc., Cisco Systems, Inc., Eventbrite Inc, YouTube, Google LLC, their affiliates, or any other telecommunications or registration platform used to facilitate the program and the City and/or City Parks Foundation is not responsible for any other entity’s use of any information or media gathered through my participation in the program.

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